型号: Mountain Hardwear OM5814 DryTraveler 力棉Polo衫 Mountain Hardwear OM6469 Dryspun 力棉Polo衫 三件包邮:很少购买本店Mountain Hardwear T恤类和Polo类任意款式超过三件的则可包邮中国大陆地区新疆西藏以外省市(要求中通或者圆通可到地番如果不到的不包邮)。 请下单后我们客服修改运费。 另外本店还有Mountain Hardwear 长短袖棉T和速干 多款可供大家选择搭配,建议很少够齐 速干短袖 http://picimg.lshou.com/pic/wenshan.lshou.com/life/c1616/tcee51a5656b.html 速干长袖 http://picimg.lshou.com/pic/wenshan.lshou.com/life/c1616/tddc8a8d6185.html 棉质长袖 http://picimg.lshou.com/pic/wenshan.lshou.com/life/c1616/tceeb8966b16.html 棉质短袖 http://picimg.lshou.com/pic/wenshan.lshou.com/life/c1616/tddc86e199e5.html 尺码:男款S-XL OM(咨询特价) S 胸围100 肩宽42 衣长70 M 胸围106 肩宽45 衣长73 L 胸围112 肩宽46 衣长74 XL 胸围124 肩宽50 衣长77 OM(咨询特价) S 胸围100 肩宽44 衣长69 M 胸围108 肩宽47 衣长70 L 胸围120 肩宽51 衣长75
产地:萨尔瓦多 山火简评:MHW的两款高端户外休闲Polo衫,都为面料特别顺滑的力速干混合材料制成,面料特别顺滑,同时还具有UPF25的防晒指数,夏天日常和户外活动穿着都非常舒适。 两款差别 OM6469为基本款,整体单色设计,OM5814为高端图案款,美国售价要高10美。
国外官方介绍: Casual travel shirt made from performance fabric in a bold stripe pattern. The DrySpun Polo looks great and can be worn almost anywhere--in the office or on your travels. The poly-spandex blend offers the feel of cotton but dries quickly and will stretch with you comfortably. The anti-microbial finish helps eliminate odor, and UPF 25 protects you from the sun Details |